
Urology Academy

Frequently Asked Questions About The Urology Academy

The Urology Academy Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a selection of frequently asked questions about The Urology Academy. If your question is not answered, please get in touch via our contact page, Join The Academy.

About the Academy

The Urology Academy is a comprehensive resource with up to date expert content on Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS).

Here you will find a range of podcasts, videos, guidelines, and diagnosis and treatment resources.

Meet the experts

Jonathan Goddard
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Winner of the Floyer Prize from London Hospital while also completeng a BSc in the History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute. Winner of the RSM Norah Schuster Prize…

Meet the experts

Sarah Hillery
Lead Nurse Urology & Advanced Nurse Practitioner. Vice President of BAUN

Sarah is the Lead Nurse for Urology at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Vice President of the British Association of Urological Nurses…

Meet the experts

Sachin Malde
Consultant Urological Surgeon

Sachin Malde is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, specialising in the treatment of chronic bladder diseases and incotinence. He qualified from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London, and completed his postgraduate research into…

ua team icon

Meet the experts

Carol Edmunds
Nurse Consultant Urology

Carol trained as an RGN in 1984 in Wolverhampton and qualified Jan 1987.

Carol Edmunds - Nurse Consultant Urology

Meet the experts

Bhavesh Raithatha
Consultant Pain Specialist

Bhavesh Raithatha was appointed as a Chronic Pain Specialist and Consultant Anaesthetist in 2019 at the University Hospitals of Leicester…

Meet the experts

Angie Rantell
Lead Nurse Urogynaecology/Nurse Cystoscopist

Angie gained a BSc (Hons) in Nursing Studies from King’s College London in 2003. She started working in the field of women’s health…

Jonathan Goddard – Consultant Urological Surgeon

Originally from Yorkshire, Jonathan Goddard qualified from The London Hospital winning the Floyer Prize. Whilst there he also completed a BSc in the History of Medicine at The Wellcome Institute and won the RSM Norah Schuster Prize. Basic surgical training in Plymouth was followed by a move to the University of Leicester where he was awarded an MD for a thesis on angiogenesis in bladder cancer, which won the 2001 RSM Geoffrey Chisholm Prize.

He remained in the East Midlands for specialist urology training and was appointed as a Consultant Urologist to Leicester General Hospital in 2008. He has a particular interest in the management of bladder pain as well as recurrent urinary tract infections. He also co-manages the supra-regional specialist penile cancer service in Leicester and is a keen advocate of day case and local anaesthetic surgery. He designed and curates the online Museum of Urology for BAUS, is a member of the History Office of the EAU and a Council member of the RSM Urology Section.

Sarah Hillery – Lead Nurse Urology & Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Vice President of BAUN

Sarah is the Lead Nurse for Urology at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Vice President of the British Association of Urological Nurses and editor of the BAUN newsletter. Holding a Masters Degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, she is an RCN credentialed Advanced Nurse Practitioner with a specialist interest in bladder health and over 20 years’ experience in diagnostic urology.

Sarah delivers educational talks, webinars and podcasts about bladder and continence issues around the world. She lectures at the University of York and is a regular writer for the IJUN and BJN. Sarah also is a board member for National and European non-profit organisations such as the European Association of Urological Nurses Education Accreditation Board and The Bladder Interest Group (BLIG).

Sachin Malde – Consultant Urological Surgeon

Sachin Malde is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, specialising in the treatment of chronic bladder diseases and incontinence.

He qualified from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London, and completed his postgraduate research into the evaluation of men with incontinence after prostate surgery at University College London, for which he won the Gold medal for outstanding research.

He underwent specialist fellowship training in female, functional and reconstructive urology at University College Hospital London, and has a strong academic interest having published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. He is also a panel member of the European Association of Urology Guidelines panel on male lower urinary tract symptoms.

Carol Edmunds – Nurse Consultant Urology

Carol trained as an RGN in 1984 in Wolverhampton and qualified Jan 1987.
Moving to Huntingdon in July 1987 to get married and decided to carry on working within Urology field which saw Carol join Hinchingbrooke Hospital as a Junior Staff Nurse (Band 5 nurse) on a joint orthopaedic Trauma/Urology Ward. Promoted to Deputy Sister and then Sister on the same ward having completed the relevant teaching and Continence Courses.

Carol then became a Ward Sister which to Ward Manager. Applied for first ever Surgical Assistant Role to reduce Junior doctor hours, which then turned into a CNS Role and with other courses under her belt including cancer diploma and non medical prescribing Carol was promoted to Nurse Consultant Urology and has since continued to develop her role and the Department to ensure excellent patient care. Carol now manages a team of 15 specialist nurses across 3 hospital sites and enjoys seeing the team grow and progress within their career journey at the same time all of us adapting our roles within the ever changing NHS.

Bhavesh Raithatha – Consultant Pain Specialist

Bhavesh Raithatha was appointed as a Chronic Pain Specialist and Consultant Anaesthetist in 2019 at the University Hospitals of Leicester.

He graduated from the University of Manchester in 2008 and has trained in the UK. He has undergone prestigious Pain fellowships in the UK and Australia. He is the lead for the Chronic Pancreatitis MDT for pain management, his role extends to pain management of the Palliative Care Patient, has an honorary contract with the LOROS hospice in Leicester supporting palliative care patients and is the regional advisor for the Faculty of Pain in the East Midlands deanery.

Angie Rantell – Lead Nurse Urogynaecology/Nurse Cystoscopist

Angie gained a BSc (Hons) in Nursing Studies from King’s College London in 2003. She started working in the field of women’s health, first as a staff nurse and then as a sister on a Gynaecology, breast care and early pregnancy ward.

Since 2007, Angie has been working in the Urogynaecology Department at King’s College Hospital and is currently the lead nurse / nurse cystoscopist. She is actively involved in research and was awarded a PhD in Urogynaecology in 2019 investigating sexual function in women with overactive bladder. In 2019 Angie was also awarded RCN credentialing for advanced level nursing practice.

To date she has published over 50 articles in peer reviewed journals and has written book chapters and contributed to National guidelines. As well as her clinical and research activities she provides advice to governmental bodies including NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) throughout the UK. She is the current chair of the Nursing and Midwifery special interest group within IUGA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Urology Academy for?

The Urology Academy is for all UK healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS), including urologists, urogynaecologists, specialist nurses, general practitioners, pain specialists, physiotherapists and allied healthcare professionals.

How can I access The Urology Academy?

The Urology Academy can be accessed on any internet-connected computer using your web browser. The website has been designed and created to work responsively on all mobile and tablet devices.

Can I use the information on the Urology Academy for training and advice to my current patients?

The Urology Academy is intended for Healthcare Professionals. If your patients require more information relating to BPS, then please direct them to www.bladderpain.co.uk, a website developed by Consilient Health that has a section containing general information on BPS for patients and carers as well as a section with information for patients prescribed elmiron® (pentosan polysulfate sodium). Alternatively, you may direct them to patient support websites, such as Bladder Health UK

How is the information on The Urology Academy produced?

The Urology Academy has been developed and funded by Consilient Health. All clinical information on this website is produced within the UK and with the full support and guidance of clinicians currently working in the management of BPS.

How is Consilient Health related to The Urology Academy?

Consilient Health has developed and funded The Urology Academy with the input, guidance, support and contributions from UK experts in managing BPS.

Prescribing and adverse event reporting information for pentosan polysulfate sodium (elmiron®) can be found here.

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. Adverse events should also be reported to Consilient Health (UK) Ltd, No. 1 Church Road, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey TW9 2QE UK or drugsafety@consilienthealth.com

Date of preparation: April 2024 | UK-URO-146bd(1)