
Urology Academy

Guidelines related to the classification, diagnosis and treatment of Bladder Pain Syndrome

An Introduction to Bladder Pain Syndrome Guidelines

Several guidelines have been published covering all or part of the Bladder Pain Syndrome population.

Some of these guidelines include Bladder Pain Syndrome within a larger cohort of other patients with pelvic pain, or look solely at the diagnosis of BPS.

Current Bladder Pain Syndrome Guidelines

A selection of current guidelines are listed below.

The European Association of Urology Chronic Pelvic Pain Guidelines.

The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG)/British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG) Management of Bladder Pain Syndrome.

European Society for the Study of Bladder Pain (ESSIC) Consensus on Criteria, Classification, and Nomenclature for PBS/IC.

Date of preparation: April 2024 | UK-URO-146bc(1)